We have just concluded the Year of Priesthood. A year enriched by very many different programs even in the aspect of formation. In the section DOCUMENTS you have access to some materials that are the results of two significant programs: Convention on Priesthood held at the Pontifical University of Lateranum on 11th and 12th March 2010, and International Meeting of the Priests held on 9th to 11th June 2010 to conclude the Year of Priesthood.
The outcome of these two programs is really enriching source for the personal formation not only for the brothers who have received the extraordinary grace of priesthood from the Lord, but for all friars. Each of us can find real spiritual nourishment for the personal life in these conferences, homilies, presentations and sharing by the priests or lay persons. If any of you have some materials related to this area of our formation, you can send them to us so that we can publish them in our blog.