Saturday, December 10, 2011
Second International Reconciliation Week
“International Reconciliation Week” – second edition – will be held from 13th to 17th February 2012 in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy. The theme of the year is: The Sacrament of Reconciliation and New Evangelization. It is an opportunity for reflection and formation to all priests. We offer this opportunity to all Capuchins and all religious and secular priests who speak Italian, English or Spanish. The leaflet containing the information and program can be downloaded here or from the site of the Sanctuary of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina at San Giovanni Rotondo For more information on this initiative of the Friar Minor Capuchins: visit.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Formation for Contemplation Workshop
The North America and Pacific Capuchin Conference (NAPCC) held a three-day meeting at Capuchin Retreat in Washington, Michigan (USA) on "Formation for Contemplation." The workshop ran 11-13 October 2011. All formators and vocation directors from the conference were invited. Thus, participants came from Australia, Guam, English and French-speaking Canada, and the USA. Brothers from the General Secretariat for Formation also attended.
Christopher Popravak from the Mid-America Province offered a fascinating review of the history of contemplation, beginning with the attitudes of the Ancient Greeks and moving through the desert fathers, early monks and Franciscans in general. He concluded with an examination of the theme among notable Capuchins. Robert Barbato from the Western America Province and a member of the collaborative NAPCC novitiate team in Santa Ynez, California offered a candid reflection on the modern experience of contemplation in our jurisdictions. David Songy from the Mid-America Province and facilitator of the workshop offered observations concerning how formation for contemplation can occur within the external and internal forums.
The final day of the workshop utilized small group work and discussion to flush out how modern culture affects contemplation for new and young members of our jurisdictions. Finally, the group began work toward a better description of the fundamental dynamics of contemplation in a Franciscan context: the integration of communal and individual outcomes; how formation can lead to a desired outcome; and what it means "to fall in love with God."
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Bibliography news
- Silvano Fausti, Sztuka rozeznawania i podejmowania decyzji. Okazja czy pokusa?, Wyd. Bratni Zew 2011
Książka ta jest podręcznikiem dla wewnętrznego rozwoju. Uczy sztuki rozeznania i podejmowania decyzji. Odwołuje się ona do najstarszych i chwalebnych, chociaż nieznanych tradycji. Proponuje podjęcie ćwiczeń, które umożliwiają życie w pełni wolnością, do jakiej zostaliśmy przeznaczeni. Pomaga dostrzec różnicę między przyjemnością pozorną i radością i jej podróbkami. Radość i smutek serca stanowią istniejące w naszym wnętrzu kryterium dobra i zła. Takie jest nowe prawo: „prawo wolności", do którego zostaliśmy powołani od wieków.
- Josu Mirena Alday, Nuovi media e vita consacrata, Ancora 2011
L’«era digitale» sfida i consacrati a entrare in questo nuovo ambito culturale con atteggiamento positivo ed evangelico. Il Messaggio di Benedetto XVI per la Giornata delle comunicazioni sociali, intitolato I nuovi media al servizio dell’evangelizzazione, ha suggerito il tema del XXXVI Convegno del «Claretianum», Cultura della comunicazione mediatica e vita consacrata. Si tratta di approfondire la coscienza dei nuovi media come una straordinaria opportunità anche per i consacrati grazie alla quale essi possano compiere la loro missione. Le diverse relazioni raccolte in questo volume tracciano una panoramica delle grandi possibilità offerte dalla nuova cultura digitale alla dimensione missionaria della vocazione dei consacrati, i quali è necessario che «mettano anima» nel mondo virtuale con grande e responsabile libertà.
- Gerharg Lohfink, Modlitwa moją ojczyzną. Teologia i praktyka modlitwy chrześcijańskiej, W Drodze 2011
Książka Modlitwa moją ojczyzną pokazuje, jak bardzo Msza Święta i Biblia tworzą wspólny wszystkim katolikom „krajobraz modlitwy”. Lohfink podkreśla, że modlić się to znaczy żyć w modlitwie. Jeśli modlitwa ma zagarnąć nas całych, powinna być różnorodna, czerpać inspiracje od najlepszych, skłaniać do działania – albo więcej: być działaniem. Musi, "walczyć” z Bogiem, ale też paradować przed Nim, gdy odnosimy zwycięstwa, albo płakać, gdy przegrywamy. Nie stanie się jednak ojczyzną, nie zadomowimy się w niej, jeśli lepiej nie poznamy, o co tak naprawdę w niej chodzi.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Course for formators in Indonesia
20 formators from three provinces of Indonesia (Medan, Sibolga and Pontianak) gathered together at Pemantangsiantar for the formation course from 11 to 15 July 2011. It was organized by the SGF in collaboration with the International Formation Council member for PACC – Br. Tano Simamora and with the precious help of Br. Benitius Brevoort, the translator. Three essential themes of the formative journey were dealt with during the course: The Role of Fraternity in Formation (Br. Prince Valiyakunnel), The Role of Spiritual Accompaniment in Formation (Br. Patric Crasta) and The Role of Prayer in Formation (Br. Marek Miszczyński). The participants listened to the presentations on each theme, read some texts that deepened the awareness on the particular theme and at the end shared the personal experiences regarding the theme in the small groups as well as in the full assembly. Thus the great value and usefulness of dealing on the fundamental problems of Formation and the richness of mutual sharing was re-affirmed. The presence of Br. Bonifasius Simanullang, representative of the Indonesian Provincial Ministers, was highly appreciated by everyone.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Bibliography news
- G. Javier, La crisi della seconda età. La vocazione religiosa alla prova, EDB 2011
"Perché a 50 anni, nel momento in cui una persona può gestire nel modo migliore la propria vita, si sperimentano in modo tanto acuto le ansie del proprio tempo? Perché la sensazione di aver donato il meglio di se stessi a un ideale sembra esigere un sacrificio troppo grande?" Da esperto formatore, specialista delle problematiche della mezza età, l'autore offre uno strumento dedicato ai consacrati quale aiuto per affrontare questioni psicologiche, esistenziali e spirituali che si agitano dentro di loro e favorire percorsi di soluzione.
- A. Cencini, Formazione Permanente: ci crediamo davvero?, EDB 2011
«Mi sono reso sempre più conto, nei vari contatti col mondo presbiterale e consacrato, anche fuori d'Italia, di quanto l'idea di formazione permanente fosse e sia ancora piuttosto vaga e nebulosa, povera e ambigua, parziale e superficiale, più legata alla sociologia che alla teologia.... Ecco forse perché la cosa stenta a decollare e divenire prassi abituale e universale, per quanto se ne parli». Le pagine del volume espongono il vero senso della formazione permanente, la sua ragion d'essere e la funzione essenziale. Per rendere la vita dei presbiteri e dei consacrati sempre più ricca e matura.
- Enzo Bianchi, Po co i jak się modlić, Edycja św. Pawła, 2011
Czy możecie szczerze wyznać, że nigdy nie mieliście problemów z modlitwą? Trudno się do tego przyznać, gdy ma się wrażenie, że dotyczy to tylko nas. Książka Enzo Bianchiego, założyciela Wspólnoty Monastycznej z Bose, odkrywa przed czytelnikiem całą praktyczną wiedzę o tym, czym jest modlitwa, po co mamy się modlić i jak się modlić, aby nasza modlitwa była miła zarówno nam, jak i Bogu.
- M. Garzonio, Serce kapłana. Wychowanie uczuciowe i emocjonalne prezbiterów, Wyd. Bratni Zew 2011
Książka dotyka ważnego problemu życia emocjonalnego prezbiterów - kapłanów, zakonników i zakonnic. Osoby te często stają w obliczu wielkiej samotności, bezsilności i wyobcowania. Książka pokazuje, że uczuciowość i emocjonalność przynależą do normalności życia, a umiejętność nawiązywania kontaktów jest niezbędna dla zachowania równowagi w życiu każdego człowieka, stanowiąc tym samym zapowiedź pogody ducha zarówno w relacjach z innymi jak i życiu parafialnym.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
VI Assembly of General Formation Office
“We must value what we have, and look ahead with great hope as we tackle the issues in the Order’s life”. This was the message of our General Minister Br. Mauro Jöhri in his homily at the closing Mass of the International Formation Council. It was also a rallying call for the General Formation Secretariat, at its sixth general assembly held in Frascati from May 2-6 2011. Both the General Minister of the Friars Minor, Br. José Rodrìguez Carballo, and our own Br, Mauro, shared their views on the challenges, prospects and starategies facing the Order in the area of formation, and provided much material for reflection and a lively debate. Br. Mauro’s presence throughout the 5 days of the assembly was particularly appreciated.
The Assembly produced a first draft of the Statute of the General Formation Secretariat, which will be submitted to the General Definitory. This was a major step forward in defining more clearly the identity and function of this body, which animates one of the key areas in the life of the Order.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Experiencing Reconciliation
SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO - “We are called to be credible ministers of reconciliation. This means not only experiencing God’s mercy ourselves, but also obtaining it for others through prayer and a lifestyle that is a sign of that fatherly presence of God which is so much needed today”. These were the closing words of Mgr Michele Castoro to the participants at the International Week of Reconciliation, held at San Giovanni Rotondo from March 14-18, 2011. Over a hundred Capuchin friars and diocesan priests attended, from Italy, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Slovachia, Poland, Malta, India, Ethiopia, USA, Argentina, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Colombia. The meeting was organised in partnership between the Capuchin General Secretariat for Formation and the Shrine of Padre Pio. Against the backdrop of the example of the great “apostle of the confessional”, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, the meeting provided useful ideas for enhancing the confessional ministry and making it a true experience of reconciliation, at a time when so many obstacles, not the least of which arise from our secularised societies, have made the sacrament of reconciliation something of a “forgotten sacrament” for many people. At the same time, there is a deep and widespread hunger for peace and reconciliation, which is why this sacrament is a vital part of the Church’s ministry and an occasion of genuine inner renewal.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Visit to Formation houses in Puerto Rico
The visit to the formation houses in Puerto Rico took place from January 24-28, thanks to the interest and planning of Br Francisco Garcia, Vice-provincial minister of the circumscription.
It was an opportunity to make contact with the brothers most closely involved with formation, both directors and the young brothers themselves. The fraternity of the Vice-province as a whole showed great interest in current developments in the formation field and a desire to tackle the challenges involved.
Program of events
Monday 24th Meeting with formators and brothers interested in the topic
Tuesday 25th Visit to “San Antonio” Fraternity – Post-novitiate
Wednesday 26th Visit to “Santa Teresita” Fraternity – Postulancy
Thursday 27th Visit to “Madre del Buen Pastor” Fraternity
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
New Bibliographis
• Cucci Giovanni, Maturità dell'esperienza di fede, Elledici 2010
Questo libro tratta la problematica della possibile maturità dell'esperienza di fede dal punto di vista filosofico, psicologico e spirituale. Scopo del lavoro è di aiutare a fare chiarezza circa il percorso di vita della persona, riconoscendone desideri ed eventuali ostacoli o ambiguità, tenendo presente in particolare tre finalità fondamentali: descrivere il soggetto nel suo sviluppo affettivo, cognitivo, relazionale; notare se esso sia consapevole delle sue aree problematiche, valutando le relative capacità di autocontrollo; mostrare i possibili riflessi nell'esperienza spirituale e nella sua rappresentazione di Dio.
Questo libro tratta la problematica della possibile maturità dell'esperienza di fede dal punto di vista filosofico, psicologico e spirituale. Scopo del lavoro è di aiutare a fare chiarezza circa il percorso di vita della persona, riconoscendone desideri ed eventuali ostacoli o ambiguità, tenendo presente in particolare tre finalità fondamentali: descrivere il soggetto nel suo sviluppo affettivo, cognitivo, relazionale; notare se esso sia consapevole delle sue aree problematiche, valutando le relative capacità di autocontrollo; mostrare i possibili riflessi nell'esperienza spirituale e nella sua rappresentazione di Dio.
• Kijas Z. OFM Conv, Życie zakonne. Turystyka czy pielgrzymowanie, WAM 2010
Wejrzenie w naturę zakonnego powołania, szczególnie we współczesnej kulturze, wydaje się trudne. Jego właściwy sens zdoła odczytać wyłącznie ten, kto wierzy. Tylko wiara objawia treść powołania i tylko ten, kto wierzy i szuka ciągłego pogłębienia swojej wiary, jest w stanie podjąć powołanie. Jak ma je realizować współczesny zakonnik / współczesna zakonnica?
Książka stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na to pytanie, próbę odczytania na nowo – w kontekście dzisiejszego świata – istoty zakonnego powołania. Jest zredagowanym na nowo zapisem rekolekcji, które zostały przeprowadzone przez autora w 2010 roku dla sióstr sercanek w Krakowie.
Friday, January 14, 2011
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