Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Visit to the NAPCC Novitiate-San Lorenzo Seminary, 1802 Sky Drive

Novice Master Br. Frank Grinko Welcomes the Formators

On 22nd October 2014 all the formators had a fraternal visit to the NAPCC Novitiate. 
Br. Bill Hugo & Bobby Barbato give creative signals to get ready for the workshop

Br. Charles Alphonse Ofm Cap., our General Secretary for Formation gave a talk on “Formation from a Global View & on the Ratio Formationis of the Order. And after that the formators had group discussions.  The Eucharist Celebration was Presided over by Br. Charles Alphonse and it was followed by a friendly meal and celebration at the Novitiate. 

Brain Gym Exercise=>

This being an interprovincial novitiate the novices (from 8 provinces) prepared a delicious meal and proved the Franciscan Hospitality with lots of care. Thanks to the Novitiate Staff namely Brs. Frank Grinko, Bobby Barbato, Bob Herrick, Fr. Joe & Jerry Johnson.

Novitiate Choir Members

Formators Conference on ‘Technology and Capuchin Formation’ for NAPCC

There were 38 formators from the eight provinces of America, Australia, Mexico, England, Canada and other places participated in it. Br. Bill Hugo Ofm Cap., the International Councilor for Fomation & the President of the NAPCC animated the whole programme with fraternal spirit and thoughtfulness. 

Br. Charles Alphonse Ofm Cap., conveyed the special greetings from Br. Mauro Johri Ofm Cap., our General Minister and also read out the letter of Br. Mark Schenk Ofm Cap., the General Councilor for NAPCC.

“I am happy to accept the invitation of Brother Charles Alphonse to send you greetings. I wish I could be with you personally in warm, sunny California, but alas I must be in (hopefully) warm, sunny Rome this week.
In a way, the venue of the Conference is quite fitting since California is an important hub for modern technology and social media. Their impact, however, is felt far beyond the borders of North America. Not to brag, but I have over one hundred Facebook friends. Unfortunately, I don’t know what half of them are writing about because they it is in Swahili, Tagalog, Czech, or some other language that I don’t know. Walk into almost any friary in the world and you will find brothers with cell phones.
The question how modern technology and social media affect the young men who aspire to become Capuchins, both before and during their formation programs, is urgent and widespread, and the General Council is pleased that you are studying it. As Br. Charles will undoubtedly tell you, the issue was also recently studied at a symposium organized by the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality in Rome. Your reflections will be a welcome addition to a small, but growing body of knowledge that will shape the Order’s attitude and practices for years to come.

I hope your week is both pleasant and productive,” were his very words.

There were 38 formators from the eight provinces of America, Australia, Mexico, England, Canada and other places participated in it.

On 21st October 2014 Dr. Gerard McGlone Sj a well-known Psychologist inspired the formators on the following topics: Resources for practices of attention in formation with young adults-In the face of the benefits of the internet, what are the challenges? Issues, Strategies and Practices for formators today-Handling the addictions & Dealing with Affective Sexuality.

Fr. Gerard McGlone S j had a dialogical approach and elicited responses from the formators themselves. This lead to a full participation of the friars with varied valid questions reflecting their formative journey.
The insights are: We need to take care of the ‘bio-psycho-socio and spiritual aspects of the human beings. Misbehaviour has its roots in unhealed and ungrieved memories that are behind a person.
Offenders (of paedophile and other sexual abusers) had no capacity to understand what their behaviour was doing to the offenders. The most of the offenders did that on Sunday (tiredness, alcohol, loneliness, lack of grief (we help other people to grieve but we don’t do it ourselves). Religious are particularly vulnerable because we move very often. Why we enable addiction in our fraternities? How are you preparing them? How you make your community healthier? Why is it healthier individual come in and end up in being sick? Is our system enabling addicting behaviour? Are we silently enabling that?
In addictions-affective maturity drops and spirituality decreases-disengagement in any spiritual practices. They don’t increase the emotional vocabulary-to identify-recognise and manage emotions. Once emotion is experienced and it must find some expressions (here Freud is right). In many fraternities there is no place for the healthy expression of the emotions.
Compassion Fatigue-early stage of PTSD-early fatigue, the healthcare workers, they will start loose boundaries. If you give them chance to talk to someone they will process the unprocessed feelings. Most priests will be with some guilt. Most of us are living in undiagnosed trauma. What is your reaction to trauma? We isolate, men in general are angry, restless, not exercising, not sleeping well. You start ruminating at night-loose more sleep.
A possible response: Each of us have to look our own journey-what is your Jerusalem that you are walking away from and walking back to.
We have to start with what it means to be happy- Fr. Gerard reiterated that if you do something selflessly to someone you will not suffer loneliness. Learning to handle the loneliness could be a starting point in healing oneself. Healthy stress management skills would be a great help for any addictions. Stress will show up in the body. When you are more stressed your immune system is compromised.
For our Wellness-we have to limit the technology-when you shut down you rest, relax and you have spirituality. It increases our creativity; great people were able to come out with beautiful things when they were resting. Romans had Villas to breathe a fresh air.
A happy community is fundamental to the prevention of any addiction. Just as much as disease is contagious we can have health, happiness and well-being could be contagious. Vocational crisis is not about the non-willing souls-but it is about happiness. Why Pope Francis is attractive because he is happy. Full heart (that expressed inside and outside) & multiple interests (did things that gave sense to them) are the two indicators of the happy religious elders. We need the constant company of such elders and to learn from their wisdom. If people could integrate the well-being aspects then they will have longevity. Bio-socio-psycho-spiritual characteristic that means I am flourishing. I am fully alive and fully human. Let our fraternities become the home of true happiness and well-being.
Good Books suggested by Fr. Gerard McGlone S j :
-The Myths of Happiness; The How of Happiness-by Sonya Lyubormirsky
-The Art of Happiness-by Dalai Lama
Learned Optimism-by Martin Seligman  

The organised Mind (2014)-by John Levitin-Wellness

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Formators Conference on ‘Technology and Capuchin Formation’ for NAPCC

19-23 October 2014-Old Mission Santa Barbara-California

Dr. Mary E. Hess a well-known Catholic theologian and an expert in Social Media inspired the participants on the ‘land Scapes of young adults: Implications for learning and information.’ She gave a comprehensive view about the influence the social media has on our youth and how we have to prepare ourselves to reach to their world creatively and with compassion. “Externally we teach about God but implicitly we are contradicting by the way we live our lives. And due to the lack of good presentation of the Gospel message some Catholics have left the church,” were one among the many insights she brought in her sharing. The creative story telling methods she used helped the formators to have deeper theological reflections.
Here are some bibliographic references that were suggested by Dr. Mary Hess which could prepare us to face the emerging digital media world.
Davidson, Cathy.  Now You See It.  Penguin Books; Reprint edition, 2012.

Drescher, Elizabeth.  Tweet If You (Heart) Jesus.  Morehouse Publishing, 2011.

_______.  Click2Save.  Morehouse Publishing, 2012.

Turkle, Sherry.  Life on the Screen.  Simon & Schuster; Reprint edition, 1997.

_______.  Alone Together.   Basic Books,  2011.

More resources can be also found on Mary Hess’ website:

Moments of Ongoing Formation in Jerusalem-Third Week
Visits to Holy places-Biblical & theological & spiritual reflections, experience sharing, Brain Gym exercises, Dancing,  fraternal living with the local fraternity and spending quiet time in silent reflection form a part of this Formation Programme in Jerusalem.

Br. Sundar Wilson Ofm Cap inspired the brothers with his lively sessions on Healing the Inner Child, Pscho-Sexual Mutualty, Self-care & Therapies

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ongoing Formation in Jerusalem-29th September to 25th October 2014

Br. Victor Ofm Cap., dealt with the existential and sensitive topics like suffering, love, meaning and so on. It was reflection our life situation, our struggles and search.
Br. Divakar Ofm Cap., helped us with the insights on Franciscan Christology, the Contemplation and Affective Franciscan Spirituality.
Br. Charles Alponse Ofm Cap., gave orientation on personal growth, inner journey and self-healing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ongoing Formation in Jerusalem

Prof. Frederic Manns Ofm who has done lots of research on Hebrew Bible has highlighted the importance of the Hebrew culture in order to understand the Biblical world. 

Br. Yunus Demirci Ofm Cap, an expert in Archeology has brought in the results of the recent studies done on the bibilical world  and the ancient cultures. It helped the participants to better grasp the realities with the touch of realism.

Moments of Ongoing Formation in Jerusalem

The Scope of the ongoing formation will be the following: to update ourselves in Biblical Spirituality; to deepen our knowledge about the Franciscan root; to heal oneself and to redefine our Capuchin Identity. In order to realize this objective we will have sufficient time and space, living together as one international fraternity along with the entry into the world of Jesus.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Formação e Identidade (forte)-Fra. Sergio Dal Moro Ofm Cap (Accompanying General Councilor)

Nesse mês de setembro, o Ministro Geral, Frei Mauro, estará enviando à toda Ordem uma carta circular com o tema  Identidade e Pertença. Uma autêntica identidade tem necessariamente um grupo prioritário de pertença. Sem pertença não há identidade verdadeira.  Esse tema da identidade interessa diretamente à formação, tanto inicial como a permanente, particularmente em nossos tempos.

            Vivemos, em nossa sociedade, tempos de liberdade e de respeito à alteridade.  Estes, em si, são valores apreciáveis. Cada pessoa tem o direito sagrado de escolher seu caminho, fazer suas opões, ser vinculado a um grupo religioso ou não, viver sua vida livremente. Qualquer mecanismo ou instituição que tente criar limites de liberdade para as pessoas é criticada, rejeitada e mal vista.  Radicalizada, no entanto, essa cultura da liberdade faz com que as pessoas, aos poucos, vão perdendo seus valores de referência. Qualquer coisa é a mesma coisa. Perde-se a originalidade e a própria identidade fica diluída. Nesse processo, vai se instalando uma mentalidade relativista de opção pelo imediato e pelo que dá prazer e satisfação. As pessoas não se perguntam pela verdade, pelos autênticos valores, mas, pelo que é bom, agradável e prazeiroso. Disso tudo deriva os “valores” que a sociedade oferece à novas gerações: hedonismo, individualismo, desejo de posse e de acúmulo , independência, concorrência, conforto, vida cômoda, prestígio, busca de poder, autocentralidade.  Não há dúvidas que essa é a realidade interior de muitos dos jovens que batem às nossas portas manifestando o desejo de ser frades. A própria vida consagrada não está isenta dessas influências. Antes, os sinais de vidas consagradas banalizadas, sem vibração, cinzentas e de comportamentos ambíguos, são cada vez mais frequentes.
            A vida religiosa franciscana-capuchinha deseja ser uma proposta alternativa a essa realidade: uma vida fraterna, de partilha, de serviço, frugal e menor, na mútua dependência, peregrinos e forasteiros, sem nada de próprio, na oblação e obediência, na busca de Deus.  Como fazer a passagem daquele modo de ser para este? Aí está o grande desafio da formação inicial, mas, também permanente, pois, todo o irmão precisa de muita vigilância para não retornar aos velhos valores. Nesse sentido, a formação inicial implica num verdadeiro processo de conversão: passagem de um projeto mundano, no sentido literal da palavra, para um projeto evangélico. Se a formação inicial não atingir o coração do jovem para mudar seu projeto existencial, não haverá formação, não haverá conversão. Se a formação inicial se preocupar apenas com a adequação disciplinar e não trabalhar as motivações profundas para que se realize a mudança, colocaremos um hábito franciscano num jovem que em seu coração estará em contradição com o que aparenta.  Será um homem aparentemente de Deus com atitudes não evangélicas. A vida consagrada, então, antes que ser franciscanamente menor, torna-se um meio da buscar a própria promoção e ascensão social. De um coração não convertido, em que não aconteceu a mudança de projeto, nascem  a concorrência, maledicências,  conflitos, busca de posse e poder, apropriação de dinheiro e bens. Como consequência vamos ter um religioso fragilizado em suas convicções e valores, um problema institucionalizado e escândalo para o povo de Deus.
            Eis aí o grande desafio da formação: ajudar esses jovens que ingressam com motivações defensivas e humanas a fazer um processo de mudança para que possam assumir uma identidade religiosa e franciscana realmente forte, resistente, com  “músculos”  e ser, de fato, testemunho alternativo e realmente evangélico para  nosso mundo.

            Precisamos motivações profundas e identidade forte não para concorrer com outros carismas ou com a sociedade, mas, para entrar em diálogo, servir e se doar. Alguém que não tem clareza em sua identidade não terá pré-condição para entrar em diálogo  e respeitar o diferente. Não será um servidor, mas, alguém que sonha ser servido. Em vez de conduzir, será conduzido pelo mundo, em vez de evangelizar será  contraevangelizado. Sem identidade forte, será “morte na praia”. Mais do que nunca formar para a vida consagrada é um desafio e requer formadores habilitados, muita capacidade de diálogo e um longo tempo de reflexão, contemplação e práticas para que o projeto evangélico se torno carne, coração e vida de cada frade e de todos os frades. 

Ongoing Formation in Jerusalem-29th September to 25th October 2014


Moments of Ongoing Formation in Jerusalem

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Meeting of the Capuchin Study Centres of Europe (at General Curia, Rome, 25th to 26th September 2014)


Giampiero Cognini, Member of the International Council for Formation
Luca Bianchi, Representative of IFS – Antonianum, Italy
Angelo Borghino, President of the Capuchin Institute of Venezia, Italy
Francesco Daniel, President of the Capuchin Institute of Milan, Italy
Thomasz Lukasz Stec, President of Capuchin Institute, Cracovia    
Jesús Torrecilla, President of ESEF – Madrid, Spain
Sergio Dal Moro, Accompanying General Councilor for Formation, Rome
Charles Alphonse, General Secretariat of Formation, Rome

Jaime Rey, General Secretariat of Formation, Rome

The participants have shared about various experiences they had in their respective institutes. They also reflected about the possible collaboration between our Capuchin study centres and aim at a Capuchin Formation alongside the academic courses. There will be a conference held on “the Capuchin Methodology relevant to our times,” in 2016.

There was also a Video Conference by Prof. Margarita Suarez (Spain) on “Our Response to the Bologna Process,” which, in the recent times has offered a model of Formation and a response to the Universities.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Happy Feast of our Father St. Francis!

We wish that you receive lots of grace, blessings and have good life at the intercession of our Father St. Francis!

Blessing of the renovated General Curia-September 2014

Fraternal thanksgiving with the Construction Team  & Benefactors

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blessing of the renovated General Curia-September 2014

We gratefully remembered all our brothers who collaborated with Br. General & his Council in this noble initiative.
“God has built this house. And secondly It was possible because our brothers from the entire Capuchin Order supported me with their generous contribution,” were the words of our General Minister Fra. Mauro Jöhri Ofm Cap, filled with deeper emotions of joy and thanksgiving.
Our Chapel has a Special touch of grace and creativity. We congratulate and appreciate the sacrifice done by Brs. Luis Eduardo Rubiano, Pio Murat, Marek Przeczewski, Joaquim Jose Hangalo, Wilhelmus Baknenok and other team members.