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“If the LORD does not build the house, in vain does the builders’ labor” Ps 127) |
The spiritual collaboration of SGF with the Second Order began recently. At the request of SGF some monasteries of Capuchin Clarist Sisters from various parts of the world have shown great enthusiasm to form a “prayer rose” to support spiritually the task of the General Minister to animate the Order in area of initial and ongoing formation through SGF and UGF. At present from ten conferences of the Order ten monasteries have dedicated to pray for our intention in a day of every week (look). Thus each day of the week and all the days of the year, through their prayer, our sisters actively support us in our task of animation and formation. John Paul II, in his apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte, wrote:
‘If in the planning that awaits us we commit ourselves more confidently to a pastoral activity that gives personal and communal prayer its proper place, we shall be observing an essential principle of the Christian view of life: the primacy of grace. There is a temptation which perennially besets every spiritual journey and pastoral work: that of thinking that the results depend on our ability to act and to plan. God of course asks us really to cooperate with his grace, and therefore invites us to invest all our resources of intelligence and energy in serving the cause of the Kingdom. But it is fatal to forget that "without Christ we can do nothing"’ (NMI 38).
We, the members of SGF, thank the sisters who accompany us in prayer and who remind us to execute the words of John Paul II in our works. As we thank the monasteries and the individual sisters who took the initiative, we extend our invitation also to other monasteries and individual brothers and sisters who would like to join this spiritual collaboration. “If the LORD does not build the house, in vain does the builders’ labor” Ps 127). Let us be aware of it always so as to consider our life and work as the work of God. Thanks a lot!