EL SALVADOR: From 2 to 13 August 2010 about twenty formators from the Conference of CONCAM came together for the course at San Salvador. In the first week basing on the Letter of General Minister, “Let us fan the flame of our charism”, the friars discussed and shared on the formation program of their respective circumscriptions and their own experiences in this regard. The collaborative dynamism emerged in the dialogue as the potential answer to confront the formative challenges that exist in the Conference.
In the second week Br. Roel Mejía Lara OFM Cap highlighted the particular role of the formator and the urging need of the formator being accompanied. Br. Roel’s competence in the branch of psychology enriched the sessions and enabled active participation in everyone. The friars, on various occasions, expressed their view on the validity of such meetings and the need of having it periodically programmed so as to enrich the formators and to help effective collaboration among the various circumscriptions of CONCAM.
The meeting was highly interesting experience for the two members of General Formation Secretariat. The greater awareness of initial formation in the local situation mutually enriches and makes the SGF function more efficiently in its role of animation. For this we thank Br. Juan Pablo Lobos, representative of CONCAM in the International Formation Council, who was the chief promoter of this initiative.
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