Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Year of Priesthood

We have just concluded the Year of Priesthood. A year enriched by very many different programs even in the aspect of formation. In the section DOCUMENTS you have access to some materials that are the results of two significant programs: Convention on Priesthood held at the Pontifical University of Lateranum on 11th and 12th March 2010, and International Meeting of the Priests held on 9th to 11th June 2010 to conclude the Year of Priesthood.
The outcome of these two programs is really enriching source for the personal formation not only for the brothers who have received the extraordinary grace of priesthood from the Lord, but for all friars. Each of us can find real spiritual nourishment for the personal life in these conferences, homilies, presentations and sharing by the priests or lay persons. If any of you have some materials related to this area of our formation, you can send them to us so that we can publish them in our blog.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Meeting of the Formation Secretariats of the four Franciscan Orders

Rome: The meeting of the Formation Secretariats of the four Franciscan Orders (OFM, OFM Conv, OFM Cap, TOR) was held in the General Curia of the Friars Minor. The President of the Institute of Spirituality (IFS), Antonianum and the director of the Masters course for Formators in the same Institute were also present for the meeting.
The dialogue and the exchange of ideas and experiences in the area of animation for which these bodies were instituted were enlightening. The resources, challenges and difficulties faced, be it at the level of the central governments of the respective Orders or regarding the formation process of the young candidates who come from a secularized world where ‘initation’ to the values of consecretated life and to the Franciscan Spirtual heritage become increasingly more difficult.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Masters Course for Formators 2011

The Franciscan Institute of Spirituality of the Pontificial University of the Antonianum (PUA), in reply to the Reed of the franciscan family regarding the renewal of formation, suggets in a few years, a masters in formation. The following academic year, the suggestion will be opened in the English language.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Animation Table

At the start of the present government of the Order, the General Minister and the Definitors had expressed the desire to have an ‘Animation Table’ which would include all the Secretariats of the Curia to streamline collaboration among the various areas of the animation of the Order.

After some preliminary meetings, Br. Helmut Rakowski organized and animated this meeting from 16 to 17 June in two phases: the first part held in the Curia in which the General Minister also participated, and the second at Frascati.

Br. Helmut Rakowski (General Secretary for the Missions), Br. Piotr Komorniczak (promoter of Solidarity), Br. Bernd Beermann (Director of Jusitice, Peace and Ecology), Br. Rocco Timpano (General Formation Secretary), Br. Prince Valiyakunnel, Br. Marek Miszczyński and Br. Piero Véliz were present for this third meeting.

Meeting each other is always great opportunity to know each other and to open up channels of communication. Communication aids coordination and the achievement of common objectives without wasting individual energies. In this way animation becomes more effective. This challenge was highlighted in the meeting and the General Minister underlined the same.