Sunday, October 16, 2011

Formation for Contemplation Workshop

   The North America and Pacific Capuchin Conference (NAPCC) held a three-day meeting at Capuchin Retreat in Washington, Michigan (USA) on "Formation for Contemplation." The workshop ran 11-13 October 2011. All formators and vocation directors from the conference were invited. Thus, participants came from Australia, Guam, English and French-speaking Canada, and the USA. Brothers from the General Secretariat for Formation also attended.

   Christopher Popravak from the Mid-America Province offered a fascinating review of the history of contemplation, beginning with the attitudes of the Ancient Greeks and moving through the desert fathers, early monks and Franciscans in general. He concluded with an examination of the theme among notable Capuchins. Robert Barbato from the Western America Province and a member of the collaborative NAPCC novitiate team in Santa Ynez, California offered a candid reflection on the modern experience of contemplation in our jurisdictions. David Songy from the Mid-America Province and facilitator of the workshop offered observations concerning how formation for contemplation can occur within the external and internal forums. 

   The final day of the workshop utilized small group work and discussion to flush out how modern culture affects contemplation for new and young members of our jurisdictions. Finally, the group began work toward a better description of the fundamental dynamics of contemplation in a Franciscan context: the integration of communal and individual outcomes; how formation can lead to a desired outcome; and what it means "to fall in love with God."