Friday, December 19, 2014

Ongoing Formation Programme, (11th from 19th December 2014), at Anugraha, Tamilnadu, India

We have started the second batch of the ongoing formative course at Anugraha, Tamilnadu, India. There are 14 Capuchins and 3 sisters belonging to Franciscan Families of India participating in it.

We began the session on 11th December 2014 evening, with the welcome address by Br. Michael Fernandes, our General Councilor for India. He stressed upon the importance of such courses where one can get renewed. He called for a particular attention to the ongoing formative programmes where the formators need this type of updating. Br. S. Arockiam the Provincial of Queen of Peace Province also warmly welcomed the gathering and encouraged the participants with his lively message. He himself participates in this session and it was a very good fraternal gesture.

Ongoing Formation Programme, 2-10th December 2014, at FISI India

Fraternal Moments: Recreation, Experience sharing & Brain Gym Exercises

Participants of the Ongoing Formation Course-2-10th December 2014
FISI, Bangalore, India

1.      Br. Amal White Raja, Ofm Cap-(Director, Aspirancy)-Mary Queen of Peace-09487324437 Email:
2.      Br. Anil Sunil D’Souza, Ofm Cap-(Director, Aspirancy)-Holy Trinity-08495939069,
3.      Br. Crispin John, Ofm Cap-(Rector of Aspirants)-Premjyoti-09781847338, Email:
4.      Br. George John, Ofm Cap-(Rector, Aspirancy)-Pavanatma-09447811041, Email:
5.      Br. John Fernandes, Ofm Cap-(Director of Postulancy)-Holy Trinity-09481710890, Email:
6.      Br. Joseph Michael, Ofm Cap-(Rector of Minor Seminary)-Mary Matha-08895663267, Email:
7.      Br. Manoj Victor D’Souza, Ofm Cap-(Director of Orientation Course)-Holy Trinity-09686027243, Email:
8.      Br. Paul Alvares, Ofm Cap-(Director of Postulancy)-St. Anthony’s Goa-09764227422, Email:
9.      Br. Simon Murmu, Ofm Cap-(Guardian)-St. Fidelis-09006749530, Email:
10.  Sr. Shany Ann Jose RFTS-(In charge of Candidates) Alverna Bhavan-080 26583086/89590761409, Email:
11.  Br. Suresh Kerketta, Ofm Cap-(In charge of College students)-St. Fidelis-08658060476, Email:
12.  Br. Thomson V.A, Ofm Cap-(Rector, Postulancy)- Prem Jyoti-09050558159, Email:


Br. Michael Fernandes Ofm Cap- (General Councilor),

Br. Chrisi Vattakuzhy Ofm Cap- (International Councilor for Formation)  Sky-FCHRISTI-0091 484 2526 112
Br. Denis Veigas Ofm Cap-(Director, FISI), 09945768450,

Br. Divakar Motha Ofm Cap-, 09442493186

Br. S.S. Sahayaraj Ofm Cap-, 09442965496

Br. Jaime Rey Ofm Cap & Br. Charles Alphonse Ofm Cap
Segretariato Generale della Formazione
Curia Generale OFMCap, Via Piemonte 70,
00187 Roma,  Italia
Mob: +39 366 8050 983, +39 334 775 2715
0039-06-42011710-Ext-215 (room) - 149 (off)
0039-06-42011710-Ext-220 (room) - 151 (off)
Skype: charlesalph, jaime

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ongoing Formation Programme, 2-10th December 2014, at FISI India

Fraternal Moments with Br. Dolphy Pious Ofm Cap., the Minister Provincial of Karnataka.

Br. Michael Fernandes Ofm Cap., our General Councilar for India added colour to the course by his animative presence and encouragement. He also gave a talk on the importance of ongoing formation and the need for renewal.

At the end of the session on 10th he awarded all the participants with a Certificate from the General Secretariat for Formation & FISI.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ongoing Formation Programme, 2-10th December 2014, at FISI India

Eucharistic Celebration officiated by Br. Denis Ofm Cap., the Director of FISI                                                                  

Br. Christi Vattakuzhy Ofm Cap., the International Councilor for Formation, inspired the participants with his lectures on Franciscan Values & Formation

Br. Santiago Sahayaraj Ofm Cap., animated the group with the lectures on  Personal Growth, Inner Child Work, Psycho-sexual  Maturity & Inner Healing.