Friday, June 27, 2014

Jesus & Francis call us to befriend the Refugees!

Jesus & Francis call us to befriend the Refugees!

According to UN reports in 2013 there were 51 million refugees around the world who have left their homes due to various painful experiences and war.
The following are the deep insights of our Pope Francis. Every 20th of June will be the World Day for Refugees, which the international community devotes to those who are forced to leave their country in order to flee conflicts and persecutions. The number of these brother refugees is growing and, in these last days, thousands more have been made to leave their homes in order to save themselves. Millions of families, millions, refugees from many countries and of every religious faith are experiencing in their stories the dramas and wounds that can only with difficulty be healed. Let us make ourselves their neighbours, sharing their fears and their uncertainty and concretely alleviating their suffering. May the Lord sustain the people and institutions that are working with generosity to ensure refugees acceptance and dignity, and to give them reasons to hope. Let us think of how Jesus was a refugee, how he had to flee for his life to be saved, with St Joseph and Our Lady, going away to Egypt. He was a refugee. Let us pray to Our Lady, for the pain of refugees, that she be close to these of our brothers and sisters. Let us pray together to Our Lady for our refugee brothers and sisters. [Hail Mary] Mary, mother of refugees, pray for us.

According to Br. Jaime Rey, We Capuchin Franciscan Friars have a fraternal opportunity to be with these sisters and brothers who have lost their homes and have nobody to claim as their own. My experience with the Sri Lankan Refugees taught me a lot of lesson about their uncertainties. Their experience is very traumatizing. One, because just in a minute or so they are made to lose many things and persons which were very precious and their own for many centuries. The ‘why’ questions they ask, their tears, anger, uncertainties, brokenness and emptiness are Passion Narratives of our day. Our Father St. Francis who found meaning in reaching out of the walls of Assisi is calling us also to be sensitive to the refugees and be with them. Many of our Capuchin friars are already involved in this ministry and it is good to keep our doors and hearts open to this reality. We invite the Formators to be in touch with the lives of the refugees and help our student friars to have experience with them. What would be your response to the call of Jesus & Francis?

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